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Applicable Quality Models in Higher Education in Argentina  [PDF]
Lidia Giuffré, Silvia E. Ratto
Creative Education (CE) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2013.410A005
Abstract: The aim of this paper is the study of quality management systems applied to higher education. The specific objectives are to present different models of approach to the concept of quality education applicable in Argentina: to study the legal framework governing university education, and to introduce considerations about its evaluation. The National Education Law 26026/2006 is clear about State responsibility to ensure quality education for all residents, and implementation of assessment policy to secure it. Accreditation is the process commonly used to give public account of the degree of compliance of higher education institutions. Periodic accreditation of undergraduate careers, whose titles correspond to professions regulated by the State, is performed. External evaluations present evaluation reports that are public.
Some Remarks and Experiences on Higher Education and Sustainable Development  [PDF]
Lidia Giuffré, Silvia E. Ratto
Open Journal of Social Sciences (JSS) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/jss.2016.43017
Abstract: Education for sustainable development should be based on proper environmental management. The general objective of this study is to highlight key aspects of environmental education, with specific objectives. Inclusive education addresses the learning needs with a focus on those who are vulnerable to marginalization and exclusion. Ethics plays a vital role in environmental management and should be a cornerstone to raise awareness of new forms of relationship with the particular and global environment. The cosmovision of indigenous peoples should be respected, including the indissoluble union of each culture with the environment. The feminization of labor is relevant in horticulture crops, with an active role of women in the organization of work. The connections between education and the world of work are key, with preparation for new and indeterminate forms of employment, paying attention to social skills in the context of increasing globalization. University Social Responsibility (USR) implies that the University must act ethically in knowledge transfer, promoting sustainable development. Sustainable development involves new systems of thought, it requires creativity and critical thinking, and an alternative is the creation of role-playing, to lead people to thinking in different ways. It is essential that the new professionals act without static patterns, integrating interdisciplinary teams, to search for the answer to a problem, offering original and innovative alternatives.
A Soil Quality Index to Evaluate the Vermicompost Amendments Effects on Soil Properites  [PDF]
Romina Romaniuk, Lidia Giuffré, Rosario Romero
Journal of Environmental Protection (JEP) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/jep.2011.25058
Abstract: The aims of this work were 1) to evaluate the changes in soil properties with the application of different amounts of vermicompost (10 and 20 Mg?ha–1), and 2) to construct a soil quality index that allows the evaluation of changes in the most sensitive soil parameters. The study was carried out in a cattle field of General Alvear, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Vermicompost application showed a positive effect on most of the chemical and biological soil properties evaluated, especially with the higher dose (20 Mg?ha–1). There were slight but significant increases in electrical conductivity and soil pH with the higher dose of vermicompost. Physical soil properties were not affected by the vermicompost amendment. The SQI showed a significant increase of soil quality with the vermicompost dose of 20 Mg?ha–1, especially by enhancing the biochemical and biological properties.
Transversalidad de conceptos de educación ambiental para un desarrollo sostenible presentes en la legislación argentina
Giuffré,Lidia; Formento,Susana; Ratto,Silvia;
Ciencia del suelo , 2007,
Abstract: population environmental education must be conveyed in all educational levels, in order to contribute to a deep knowledge of environmental protection laws. these include contents about environmental education, but with scarce diffusion and low adhesion. if environmental education could force a detailed knowledge about regulations, its application could be demanded by community actions. moreover, environmental education is considered in regulations as a fundamental tool for sustainable development. there is a profuse legislation in argentina, with more than 3,000 legal instruments of different hierarchical order and jurisdictional level. three argentine laws were studied and compared: environmental general law (national): law 25,675; la pampa environmental law (province order): law 1,914; and environmental education law of buenos aires (city order): law 1,687. these laws regulate the incorporation of environmental education in formal system (public and private schools and institutions, for all levels: initial, primary, secondary and university studies), non formal system (extra-curricular activities and/or extension inside the institutions), and non formal education (by means of massive instruments of communication and information). environmental education is considered as the basic tool to generate values, behavior and attitudes according to a balanced environment, tending to the preservation of natural resources and their sustainable use, to increase population life quality. social participation in decision of environmental protection aspects must be reinforced. research processes must be stimulated and sustained, with stimulation of research in university institutions. information access right is assured; every inhabitant must obtain environmental information from the authorities, if it is not legally considered as reserved information. the most important aspects about environmental education and sustainable development are present as an transversal axis of differ
Transversalidad de conceptos de educación ambiental para un desarrollo sostenible presentes en la legislación argentina Environmental education as a crosscutting issue for sustainable developement concepts included in Argentine regulations
Lidia Giuffré,Susana Formento,Silvia Ratto
Ciencia del Suelo , 2007,
Abstract: La educación ambiental de la población debe ser transmitida en todos los niveles educativos, de modo que contribuya a un profundo conocimiento de las leyes de protección ambiental existentes. Estas últimas incluyen muchas veces contenidos acerca de la educación ambiental, con escasa difusión y bajo cumplimiento. Si la educación ambiental garantiza una mayor apertura al conocimiento detallado de las legislaciones vigentes, su aplicación podría verse forzada por acciones comunitarias. Asimismo, la educación ambiental es considerada en las regulaciones, como herramienta fundamental para un desarrollo sostenible. En la Argentina existe una profusa legislación, con más de 3.000 instrumentos legales de distinta jerarquía y nivel jurisdiccional. Se efectúa un estudio de la Ley 25.675 : Ley General del Ambiente (nacional), la Ley 1.914: Ley Ambiental provincial de La Pampa y la Ley 1.687 de Educación Ambiental de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Las tres leyes regulan la incorporación de la educación ambiental en el sistema educativo formal (actividades realizadas en los centros educativos públicos o privados, tanto inicial, primaria, media y superior), no formal (actividades extracurriculares y/o de extensión relacionadas dentro de los establecimientos educativos); y educación informal (se realiza a través de medios masivos de comunicación e información). Se considera que la educación ambiental constituye el instrumento básico para generar en los ciudadanos, valores, comportamientos y actitudes que sean acordes con un ambiente equilibrado, propendan a la preservación de los recursos naturales y su utilización sostenible, y mejoren la calidad de vida de la población. Las leyes estudiadas consideran la importancia de fomentar la participación social en los procesos de toma de decisión para la protección del medio, proponen estimular y apoyar procesos de investigación, destacándose el fomento de la investigación en las instituciones de educación superior. Se asegura el derecho a la información, todo habitante podrá obtener de las autoridades la información ambiental que administren y que no se encuentre contemplada legalmente como reservada. Los aspectos más importantes acerca de la educación ambiental y el desarrollo sostenible son ejes transversales de leyes de distinta jurisdicción, pero deberá bregarse por el cumplimiento y control de dichos principios, debido a las características con las que se percibe al derecho ambiental, de baja eficacia y eficiencia. Population environmental education must be conveyed in all educational levels, in order to contribute
Catabolic Response Profiles, Catabolic Uniformity and Richness as Microbiological Indicators in a Soil of Pergamino, Buenos Aires Province, with and without Previous Application of Glyphosate  [PDF]
Ruth P. Ríos, Lidia Giuffré, Romina I. Romaniuk, Mónica G. Pérez, Eduardo A. Pagano
Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment (JACEN) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/jacen.2016.52009
Abstract: Incubation assay in trays was performed with two soils with different application histories of glyphosate: no application, and previous application. The soils used were Typic Argiudolls of Pergamino, province of Buenos Aires, and the treatments were: control (no application), and 20, 200 and 2000 mg of active ingredient per kg of soil. Sampling was performed at the beginning (T0) and 45 days after (T45). Catabolic response profiles (CRP), catabolic richness and catabolic uniformity were determined according to the methodology based on measuring the differences in respiration induced by substrate in a short time (4 hours). The substrates used in this study were 20, namely, two amines, 5 aminoacids, two carbohydrates, and 11 carboxylic acids. The objective of this work was to compare soils with different histories of application of glyphosate, measuring its effect on catabolic response profiles, catabolic uniformity and catabolic richness. In this study, no differences were observed between catabolic richness among the different sampling times and doses of glyphosate applied. Glyphosate application affected the structure of the soil microbial communities. At the end of the test, soils with all doses of previous herbicide application showed greater catabolic uniformity than soils without previous application.
Forty years of soil degradation in vertic argiudolls in Entre Ríos province, Argentina
Cosentino,Diego J; Conti,Marta E; Giuffré,Lidia;
Ciencia del suelo , 2007,
Abstract: in the last decade the land use in entre ríos province (argentina) has suffered a very important increase characterized by an intensive and continuous agriculture in a regionwith high watererosion susceptibility. fortypercent of province surface sufferswater erosion in different degrees. this study was undertaken to assess the extent and nature of degradation in some physicaland chemical properties of vertic argiudolls through the comparison of a pristine situation and three situations with increasingyears of land use after deforestation. organic carbon (oc), light carbon (lc), ph, electrical conductivity (ec), labile organic phosphorus (plo), structural stability (dmwd), size aggregate distribution in the a horizonwere determined. after 40 years from deforestation the oc, lc, plo, decreased 26, 72 and 17% respectively meanwhile ec and ph had minor variations. the structural stability declined with time and there was a significant correlation between organic carbon and dmwd (r = - 0.985; p < 0.02; n = 4). sixty two percentof the a-horizon was lost and as a consequence, 75.5% in carbon sequestration. a mean annual erosion rate of 60 mg ha-1 yr-1 after 40 years was estimated.
Propiedades edáficas y del agua subterránea: Riesgos de salinización y sodificación de los suelos, en la zona de Pergamino-Arrecifes
Losinno,Beatriz N.; Sainato,Claudia M.; Giuffré,Lidia;
Ciencia del suelo , 2005,
Abstract: the use of groundwater for complementary irrigation may produce salinization and/or sodification of soils. the objective of the research was to evaluate soil salinization and sodification risks by complementary irrigation on the basis of the study of groundwater mineralization, depth of aquifers and physicochemical properties of soils. the aquifer properties obtained from previous geophysical studies were evaluated and a soil sampling was performed analysing the variability and spatial distribution of their physicochemical properties, by means of geostatistical methods. the electrical conductivity of free groundwater (ecf) showed greater values than the deeper levels of the pampeano aquifer with a direction of groundwater flow ne-se. this aquifer presented a trend of decrease of their conductivity from west to east. soil properties such as content of k, mg, na, ph, esp (exchangeable sodium percentage) and electrical conductivity ecs, showed spatial correlation, while p (extractable phosphorus), c (organic carbon), cec (cation exchange capacity), ca (calcium) indicated high variability for the sampling scale used. some deterioration on soils was detected due to the decrease in concentration of k in all the soil series at the study zone, and in a lesser scale the content of ca and mg. topography represented a great part of the ecs variability, lacking any clear influence of the ecf and the depth of water table. the economically productive agricultural zone did not show any severe risk of salinization and sodification of soils by the application of complementary irrigation.
Atenuación natural y remediación inducida en suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos
Romaniuk,Romina; Brandt,Juan Felipe; Rios,Paola Ruth; Giuffré,Lidia;
Ciencia del suelo , 2007,
Abstract: the petroleum derived hydrocarbons represent the main energy source for the humanity and they are in turn, an important environmental polluting source. in this experience it was estimated and compared the rate of decomposition of two hydrocarbons (diesel and crankcase oil), by natural attenuation, and with the incorporation of a specific commercial product in a typic argiudoll. the effect of these practices was also evaluated on some soil variables. the treatments were: [control soil without pollution], [soil + gasoil], [soil + crankcase oil], [soil + gasoil + product], [soil + crankcase oil + product], [soil + product]. the soil sampling was carried out in the following series of time [0; 15; 30; 60 and 180 days]. the degradation rate of diesel and crankcase oil hydrocarbons by natural attenuation was slower and less effective than that obtained when adding the commercial product, the latter presented final lower values of total petroleum hydrocarbons. among the soil variables, the oxidable carbon and the biomass soil respiration registered higher mean values for the polluted soils. the commercial product incorporation produced a significant decrease in these values, an increase in the electric conductivity, but no influence on the ph and the soil extractable phosphorous.
EFECTO DE DIFERENTES TéCNICAS DE MANEJO DE RESIDUOS DE LA COSECHA FORESTAL EN ALGUNAS PROPIEDADES DE UN SUELO KANDIUDULT EN EL NORESTE ARGENTINO The effect of different techniques of forest harvest residue management on some properties of a Kandiudult soil in Northeastern Argentina
Lidia Giuffré,Roberto Fernández,Ana Lupi,Olga S. Heredia
Agricultura Técnica , 2002,
Abstract: El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de diferentes técnicas de manejo de residuos de Pinus ellioti Engelm en índices de calidad de suelo en un Kandiudult de Misiones, Argentina, en condiciones de altas temperaturas y precipitaciones. Los tratamientos fueron: T1) extracción manual de los residuos y reforestación; T2) quema y reforestación; T3) conservación de los residuos y reforestación; T4) conservación de los residuos y desarrollo de bosque secundario. El dise o estadístico fue en bloques completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones, en bloques de 840 m2. Las muestras de suelo fueron extraídas un a o y medio después de implantados los tratamientos, por ser importante el monitoreo a corto plazo, dado que los cuatro primeros a os son clave en las plantaciones de pinos en esta región . La remoción total de los residuos se tradujo en menores valores de las formas de carbono total (Ct) (P < 0,05). La quema, a corto plazo, produjo un aumento significativo de fósforo extractable (Pe) (P < 0,05). La conservación de los residuos provocó un aumento significativo de nitrógeno total (Nt), equivalente al de la quema, y valores más altos de carbono total (Ct) y carbono liviano (Cl) (P < 0,05). The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different harvest residue management techniques for Pinus elliotii Engelm on the indices of a Kandiudult soil in Misiones, Argentina under conditions of high temperature and precipitation. The treatments were as follows: T1) manual extraction of harvest residues and reforestation; T2) burning and reforestation; T3) residue conservation and reforestation; and T4) residue conservation and development of a secondary forest. The statistical design was a completely randomized block with four replicates in blocks of 840 m2. The soil samples were removed a year and a half after introducing the treatments, since short-term monitoring is important given that the first four years are key for pine plantations in this region. The total removal of residue (T1) produced in lower values of total carbon (Ct) (P < 0.05). Burning (T2) in the short term produced a significant increment of extractable phosphorus (Pe) (P < 0.05). The conservation of residue provoked a significant increase in total nitrogen (Nt), equivalent to burning, and the highest values of total carbon (Ct) and light carbon (Cl) (P < 0.05).

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